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Where Family, Stewardship, and Discipleship are our center
Sunday School (September - May)
In a world that can become so incredibly busy, we need a time to come together for fellowship and learning. That is our goal with our Sunday School classes. No matter if you're 3 or 93, we'll find the class that's right for you! Come join us as we dig deeper into God's word and study the Bible together!

Adult Sunday School Class
Led by Lee Shipman, this class varies in age range from 70s down to 20s! They meet every Sunday at 10:45 after the 9:30 AM service in the adult classroom, with the exception of Simple Meal Sundays.

Children's Sunday School
These young explorers are currently learning all about the Bible using hands on activities. It is being held once a month from 10:45 -11:30 AM. It wil be held November 19th.
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